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The technological revolutions in recent years have become a highly effective treatment method of bariatric operations. Body mass index 35 and above; However, candy, heart disorders, sleep apnea, hypertension, cholesterol and joint problems are very effective surgeries for people living.

Bariatric surgeries can be done to all 18-65 years of age and allows the necessary conditions for surgery.

Gastric sleeve surgery is a type of weight loss surgery that reduces the size of the stomach and causes food to move more quickly through the digestive system. The procedure is performed by making a small cut in the abdomen and removing part of the stomach. The surgeon then removes a large portion of the stomach and leaves only a small, banana-shaped section. This reduces the size of the stomach so it can hold less food, which helps people feel full sooner after eating.

Gastric sleeve surgery is a form of bariatric surgery done to restrict the size of the stomach. The procedure is done laparoscopically and can be performed in less than an hour. The surgery also helps in weight loss as it restricts food intake. The procedure was first developed in the 1980s and used extensively since then. It has been found that this procedure leads to weight loss by restricting food intake, reducing hunger levels, and improving metabolism.

This surgery is a weight loss procedure that reduces the size of the stomach. The risks and benefits depend on the person. The risks include: - Risk of infection - Risk of bleeding - Risk of ulcers - Increased risk of gallstones and pancreatitis - Complications with anaesthesia during surgery or other medications used during surgery. The benefits are: - A rapid weight loss (up to 50% in one year) - Lower risk factors for heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and stroke

Gastric sleeve surgery is an option for people who are overweight or obese and have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater. The best candidates for the procedure are those unable to lose weight with other methods and suffer from obesity-related health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, and joint pain. A person may be a candidate for this surgery if they: -have a BMI of 40 or greater -are suffering from obesity-related health problems -I have tried to lose weight with other methods but have not succeeded The best candidates for gastric sleeve surgery are those seeking to lose weight and have a BMI of 40 or more. By undergoing this procedure, one can quickly lose vast amounts of weight and have the potential to reduce their BMI to below 30.

Immediately! You'll take easy, short walks while you're in the hospital. The key is to start slow. Listen to your body and your surgeon. If you lift weights or play sports, stay "low impact" for the first month.

After surgery, most patients return to work in one or two weeks.

No. A small number of patients can regain their weight, but the vast majority lose weight significantly and keep it off. More than 95% of patients will successfully lose half or more of their extra body weight after surgery for weight loss. Patients trying to lose weight without surgery can lose very little weight on average and gain weight in the long run.
Body Mass index