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Colonoscopes are more flexible than gastroscopes, with an average length of 130-170 cm and a diameter of 11-14 mm.


What Cases Should It Be Done?

  1. To diagnose inflammatory bowel disease.
  2. Determining the efficacy of treatment in IBD.
  3. Unexplained Fe deficiency anaemia.
  4. Gastrointestinal bleeding. (Bloody stool, Black stool, occult blood in stool+)
  5. Chronic diarrhoea of unknown cause.
  6. Cancer research.
  7. Malignancy follow-up.
  8. Family history of cancer and polyposis syndromes


Its Use for Therapeutic Purposes

  1. Polypectomy and removal of early-stage tumours.
  2. Stenting in occlusive tumours.
  3. Intervention in bleeding originating from the large intestine.
  4. Haemorrhoid band ligation.
  5. Marking the location of tumours.
  6. Treatment of sigmoid volvulus.
  7. Foreign body removal.
Body Mass index