What is the body mass index? How is the body mass index calculated? What should be body mass index?

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What is the body mass index? How is the body mass index calculated? What should be body mass index?
  • 10/01/2022
  • Obesity

What is the body mass index? How is the body mass index calculated? What should be body mass index?

What is the body mass index?
In general, the body mass index known as height-weight index is calculated by dividing the weight of the person twice on the height of the person (in the metric system). We decide whether the individual is obese or overweight according to the conclusion. Since it is quite easy to calculate, it is the most common obesity classification method in the world.

How is the body mass index calculated?
Since the calculation of the body mass index is quite easy, it is the method of classifying the most common obesity in the world.
You can easily do your calculation with the "Body Mass Index" calculation module on our website.

What are the bodies of mass index ranges?
After the calculation of the body mass index, the values ​​obtained in the BMI are the following meanings:
0-18.4 BMI: Weak
18.5-24.9 BMI: Normal
25-29.9 BMI: overweight
30-34.9 BMI: Class 1 Obesity
35-44.9 BMI: Class 2 Obesity
45+ BMI: Overfat Class 3 Obesity

What does the body mass index value mean?

0-18.4 BMI
Weak. When the size of the individual, the size of the height and the size of the height is that the weight is not sufficient. It is recommended that people with value in this value are healthy with a specialist dietitian.

18.5-24.9 BMI
Normal. This body shows that individuals with body mass index value are ideal weight. It is recommended that people in this value have regular and balanced and healthy meals.

25-29.9 BMI
Fat. The weight of the individual is the value that is higher than longitudinal speed. It is recommended that the person is far away from the overweight of a specialist dietician.

30-34.9 BMI
Fat (class 1). The people in the range of these values ​​are evaluated in the first order obese category. The weight of these people in terms of health in terms of health. Therefore, it is recommended to lose weight with an expert dietitian.

35-44.9 BMI
Fat (class 2). This body mass index is defined as second-order obese. In people with these values, the risks are increasing in terms of heart and vascular diseases. It is recommended that people lose weight in a specialist dietitian to lose weight.

45+ BMI
Obese. The people in the value range of this body mass index are evaluated in the third degree obese category. The risk of illness development in humans with these values ​​is highly high. These people are recommended to lose weight with expert doctors and expert dietitians.

What should body mass index be in age?
According to the age range, the ideal body mass index values ​​of individuals should be as follows:
19-24 Years: 19-24 BMI
25-34 Years: 20-25 BMI
35-44 Years: 21-26 BMI
45-54 Years: 22-27 BMI
55-64 Years: 23-28 BMI
In people 65 and above: 24-29 BMI
The ideal body is considered as mass index values.

If you or you have a weight problem, do not neglect to perform the necessary health checks by contacting the nearest health institution or by contacting us.
To learn your body mass index, you can use the body mass index calculation module on our site.
We wish the days of healthy.

Body Mass index