What is Bariatric Surgery (Obesity Surgery)? Types of Obesity Surgery?

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What is Bariatric Surgery (Obesity Surgery)? Types of Obesity Surgery?
  • 14/02/2022
  • Obesity

What is Bariatric Surgery (Obesity Surgery)? Types of Obesity Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a form of treatment used to help overweight people lose weight. There are two types of surgery, gastric bypass and gastric balloon, which make changes to the digestive system to help you lose weight. Surgery is performed when diet and exercise have failed, or when serious health problems have occurred due to your weight. Some treatments limit how much food you can eat. Some treatments try to reduce the body's ability to absorb nutrients. Some treatments, on the other hand, do both.

Bariatric surgery can be very beneficial in weight loss, but it can also create serious risks and side effects. Anyone who is considering bariatric surgery should work with a competent, experienced surgeon and make permanent healthy changes to their diet and exercise regularly.

Doctor Mahmut Dogan Gastric Sleeve Surgery

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a long term that refers to a number of surgery procedures that help lose weight by making changes in the digestive tract. These procedures may include tubular stomach surgery or gastric bypass. However, the common factor for all of these procedures is the fact that they are all weight loss procedures.

Obesity is not a healthy state, and it often leads to serious health problems. Bariatric surgery is performed to help overweight patients to lose excess weight and reduce the risk of serious, life-threatening health problems such as:

  • Heart disease
  • Lung disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Alcohol-independent liver disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Bariatric surgery is not suitable for everyone who is overweight and obese. In order to undergo weight loss surgery, you may need to meet certain medical guidelines.


    What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

    Tube stomach surgery (gastric sleeve surgery) is a surgical weight loss practice. It is typically performed laparoscopically. The size of the stomach is reduced by removing at least 80% of the stomach, leaving a banana-sized and tube-shaped stomach behind. Limiting the size of your stomach restricts the amount of food you can consume, but hormonal changes also play a role in weight loss. These same hormonal changes are also helpful for treating conditions associated with excess weight, such as high blood pressure or heart disease.

    Doctor Mahmut Dogan Gastric Sleeve Surgery Stomach

    Who Does the Tube Stomach Surgery Apply To?

    In order to have a tube stomach surgery, the following conditions must be met:

  • Those with a body mass index over 40 (morbidly obese, that is, severely obese).
  • The body mass index is between 35-40 and those dec have health problems such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea due to excessive obesity are also considered morbidly obese and are recommended to have a tube stomach surgery.
  • In addition, surgery can also be performed by your doctor's decisionin patients with “new” type 2 diabetes and metabolic disorders due to obesity and with a BMI (body mass index bmi) between 30 and 35.
  • More detailed information can be found in the title of Tube Stomach Surgery on our website.

    What is Gastric Botox?

    Gastric botox (gastric bypass surgery) is a treatment for weight loss which consists of injecting botulinum toxin into the stomach. This treatment is specifically for people who want to lose weight. It is not a surgery. In gastric botox, food is able to stay in the stomach longer, and this makes the patient feel full. Therefore, they consume less food. And since they consume less food, they lose weight.

    Who Is Prescribed Gastric Botox?

    Stomach botox can be applied to anyone who wants to lose weight. Gastric botox is not an obesity surgery. Of course, certain criteria are also sought in patients.

  • It is a suitable method for patients who have not been able to lose weight properly with diet and sports.
  • The body mass index of the patient undergoing gastric botox should be below 40. 
  • It is applied in people who cannot lose weight dec diet and exercise, whose body mass index is between 27-35.
  • In patients with ulcers or gastritis in the stomach, first of all, treatments aimed at curing these diseases should be performed, and then gastric botox can be applied.

    More detailed information can be found in the title Stomach Botox on our website.

    What is Gastric Balloon?

    A gastric balloon is a non-surgical solution to lose weight by inserting a soft, round, inflatable balloon made of silicone suitable for medical use, and here it helps to reduce appetite and prolong the feeling of satiety by taking up space.

    More detailed information can be found in the Stomach Balloon header on our website.

    The information contained on the site is purely informational, it should not replace the recommendations that your relevant health professional will give you. Get support from your nearest health care provider for complaints related to the issue.

    Body Mass index