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Who is Doctor Mahmut Dogan?

Dr. Mahmut Doğan was born on 16.08.1983 in Germany. After completing his primary and high school education in Denizli in 2001, he started his medical education at Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in the same year. After completing his six-year medical education, he specialized in General Surgery between 2008-2013 in Istanbul Bakırköy Dr Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital. After completing his compulsory service at Ağrı State Hospital, he moved back to Istanbul in 2013. Married and father of one child, Dr. Mahmut Doğan speaks English and German.

He is interested in the general surgery department during his student life at the medical faculty, after graduating, Doğan started his general surgery specialization, which was his first and only choice, and became a general surgeon in 2013. During his specialization process, he worked with the best obesity surgeons in Turkey and had the chance to undergo many of the surgeries. He was among the first team to implement robotic surgery (Da vinci Surgical System) in Turkey and has performed nearly 100 robotic surgeries. With advanced laparoscopic surgery experience, Dr. Doğan is mainly interested in surgical and non-surgical treatment methods of obesity (such as stomach botox, gastric balloon). In addition, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic interventions, hemorrhoid surgery (laser, closed hemorrhoid surgery, band ligation), thyroid surgery, hernia surgery are among his areas of interest. He currently provides health services to his patients in his own clinic in Fulya, Istanbul.


  • Turkish Medical Association
  • Turkish Surgery Association
  • Turkey Obesity Surgical Association (Toss)
  • International Obesity Surgery Fedaration (ifso)
  • National Trauma and Emergency Surgical Association

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3 Day Hosp. Nights
2 Day Hotel Nights
VIP Transfer
All Medication
Personal Asistance
Free Consultation

Our Experts

Op. Dr. Mahmut Doğan
Op. Dr. Mahmut Doğan

General Surgery Specialist


Gözde Uçak
Gözde Uçak

Certified Dietitian Nutritionist


Eda Erdal
Eda Erdal

International Patient Coordinator & Doctor Assistant


Kerem Karabulut
Kerem Karabulut

Patient Experience Manager


Demet Balcı
Demet Balcı

Hospital Nurse


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Body Mass index